We received two very contrasting emails yesterday. The first was from Marie Curie, a press release describing a short film made about Sir Ranulph Fienne´s plans to climb the North Face of the Eiger this month. The press release was, as you would imagine, very emotively written, aimed at the general public. The second was from Cedric Larcher from Kairn.com telling of a new speed ascent of the very same route by Ueli Steck. Sir Ran and his entourage, including guide Kenton Cool and photographer Ian Parnell, have set aside the whole month of March to make the ascent. Ueli climbed the mountain in three hours and forty one minutes!!! Just goes to show that there is room for great variety in the world of climbing and mountaineering.You can check out the film about Ran and follow his progress via his Blog at www.myspace.com/ranulphfiennes
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