by Dougald MacDonald click to enlarge Big news from Patagonia. Dougald MacDonald reports. ´Rolando Garibotti and Colin Haley have completed the much-discussed?and occasionally attempted?Torre Traverse: the link-up of Aguja Standhardt, Punta Herron, Torre Egger, and Cerro Torre in a single alpine-style outing.Garibotti, 36, an Argentine who lives much of the year in Colorado, is one of the most accomplished Patagonian climbers of recent years. Haley, 23, lives in Washington and has climbed very successfully in Patagonia two times before this season.In an e-mail, Garibotti wrote, ?Usually I would prefer to keep my doings to myself, but since, because of the high-profile nature of this climb, this was going to be impossible, Colin and I decided to provide the info right from the horse´s mouth to make sure there are no mistakes.? ´ sent their collective congratulations to Rolo and Colin this morning and Rolo got back almost immediately with his thanks. Here´s a photo of Colin and Rolo on the summit of Cerro Torre. Read the extensive report by Dougald MacDonald at ( Source: Climbing magazine )