The Government has clarified its guidance to local authorities, with the hope that local authorities will be more confident to re-open land. A traffic light system has been used to make things as clear as possible, with green indicating, reopen immediately with minimal precautions; amber reopen subject to assessment of risk and possible mitigating measures; and red keep closed.Outside of infected areas, Green areas will include any land not used by livestock, plus access land and paths separated from but adjacent to land used by livestock and access land and paths across land which is moorland or other extensive grazing, and low frequency used paths across fields used by livestock, paths on edges of field used by livestock.Inside infected areas the Green light is only applicable to land not used by livestock, and access land and paths separated from but adjacent to land used by livestock have an amber light, and may re-open where any contact between people and livestock can be avoided.Whilst it remains the decision of the local authorities to open access to land, there is now much more scope for climbing and walking areas to be opened up, and the BMC has received a request from the Peak District National Park and Lancashire County Council for assistance opening new areas in time for the May Day bank holiday.
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