Happy Birthday Sir Christian Bonington

Sir Chris BoningtonUKC News, Aug 2009© Mick Ryan – UKClimbing.com

Sir Christian John Storey Bonington was 75 yesterday (born 6 August 1934 in Hampstead, London).A belated Happy Birthday from us all – (everyone is on holiday here at UKC and I was out the office).Chris is still at it, he's just had a trip cragging in Lofoten then rushed off to China on Berghaus business.Next year sees him on a celebratory trek to Annapurna to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his, Richard Grant's and Sherpa Ang Nyima's first ascent of Annapurna II (7937 metres) in 1960.www.bonington.com

Sir Chris Bonington and Tufa the DogUKC News© Sam Mayfield

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