She has climbed 8c+ route, 8A bloc, 8B+ traverse, so what else is there? Oh, yeah, there´s multi pitch! Hector del Campo reports: This Saturday Josune Bereziartu completed, along whith Iker Pou, the first female free ascent el Pilar del Cantabrico, a 500 meter route with pitches up to 8a+ located in Naranjo de Bulnes. The route had been done before by Paco fernández (not all pitches), Dani Andrada (fell off at the belay of a 7a pitch after a hold broke, so it´s kind of ok), For Iker it was the second time, although he fell off a 7c+ pitch and couldn´t be bothered to climb it again… Josune worked the route for a few days sending the 8a pitch second try, 8a+ pitch third try and 7c+ pitch flash. The completed the route in 13 hours.
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