by Mick Ryan Kendal Winner 2005 This years Kendal Mountain Festival runs from 10-19 November and tickets are on sale now here but just as pressing is this years Kendal Mountain Festival Digital Photo Competition. You have got until midnight September 10 to submit your entries. There are two categories, Landscape and Action, and you can enter two images in each category. All photos must be in high resolution – anything over 1500 pixels is acceptable and file sizes up to 5MB. The rules are available here here. One of last years winners was Jamie Moss. You can see more of Jamie´s work at his gallery. We all know that is full of superb photographic talent so choose your images and get them sent off.Your photos will be judged online by anyone and also by a panel of judges. The winners will have their work displayed at this years Kendal Mountain Festival and will win a prize.
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