Next week marks the 70th anniversary of the mass trespass of Kinder Scout, when 400 walkers took to the moors to fight for the right to roam.Five walkers were each imprisoned for between 2 and 6 months, a sentence which caused outrage at the time, brought the access issue to a head and acted as an important catalyst to the whole national parks and countryside access campaign. Interviewed in the Guardian yesterday, the Duke of Devonshire formally apologised to walkers for the attitude of his grandfather who owned part of Kinder at the time.The Duke believes that ramblers and grouse shooters can co-exist and is, apparently in favour of access to open country. He says he is “´still horrified by the attitude of landowners at the time…in not allowing people to walk in open country and by the vicious sentences handed down by the trespassers”. ( Source: )
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