We have just received this news report from Kurt Smith, who until recently co-ran the climber´s ranch ´Rancho Cerro Gordo´ at El Potrero Chico in Mexico. Kurt reports that his three year business partner and former friend Mel Guitierrez has had Kurt and his wide Elana thrown out of the place that he made his home and livelihood for the last three years. Kurt returned from Austin, Texas to discover that he was no longer welcome at the Ranch, after being threatened at gunpoint, and accused of stealing $5000, and being threatened with jail, Kurt hastily moved out, leaving behind all his possessions. Kurt has this to say: “WE LOVE MEXICO!, have no bad feelings aginst this country and its people. we got involved with bad people and thats the way it goes! please still come to the potereo cause it rocks, just dont support rancho cerro gordo.. tell everyone… more info will come later!!!!we are ok and still alive and yes still happy, as we have each other and a lot of friends in hidalgo!!!!kurt
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