by Mick Ryan – prAna Comp Thank you to everyone who submitted entries to the Lyon Equipment: Sportiva/Beal/Petzl Design A Banner Competition (details here). Another great response and quite a specialised competition. You can see the published entries so far at the Competition page To all those who entered and whose work hasn´t yet been published, you will see your work appear over the next two weeks as they go live. Then Frank Bennett and Paul Cornthwaite of Lyon Equipment will be going through them to pick the winners. The First Prize is a pair of Sportiva rock shoes, a Petzl Altias Helmet, a Beal Tiger Rope, a chalkbag, a Petzl Bug rucksack, a Petzl Harness and the much talked about Petzl Reverso3. There are two Second Prizes of a Petzl Altios helmet, a Beal Tiger Rope , and a pair of Sportiva rock shoes. There are spot prizes for everyone who entered. In addition, if you entered and you consent, we will add your name to a referral list of creative talent to be sent to outdoor companies who may offer you work creating internet graphic adverts for their products. prAna PHOTO COMPETITION: Climbing Facial Expressions There are still another 11 days to submit your photographs to the prAna competition. There are five prizes of prAna outfits to be won: a pair of pants, a T-shirt and a beanie/hat. You can see and vote on the entries so far at the Competition Photo Gallery. Entry details here.
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