by Mick Ryan Dave Macleod On Tuesday 9th January inbetween rain showers and drinking gallons of tea, Dave Macleod made the second ascent of Adrian Berry´s Blind Vision at the Brown´s Eliminate area of Froggat . This route starts with a fierce boulder problem wall (V11 ) first top roped by Jerry Moffat in 1988 and named Slingshot,which was then soloed by Mo Overfield in 2000. Later in 2003, Adrian Berry climbed Slingshot and continued up the bold wall above, sparce protection and English tech 6c climbing warranted a grade of E10 7b. Dave has written about his ascent at his blog, and Dave Brown and Paul Diffley of Hot Aches (makers of award winning E11 film) who are in the progress of making a film about trad climbing in the UK have further photos and commentary at their blog, the Modern Traditionalist.
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