Under the new Senate Bill S698, the US Department of the Interior must report on the “the suitability and feasibility of recovering the costs of high-altitude rescues” on North America´s highest peak, Denali, in Alaska. This report will question whether the current fee of US$150 need to be raised, and whether proof of medical insurance will be required. This report is due in November 2001. The new law requires the US Department of the Interior to issue a report on “the suitability and feasibility of recovering the costs of high-altitude rescues” on North America´s highest peak. The report also will study the possibility of increased peak fees for Denali. Currently, each of the 1,000 or so climbers attempting the mountain annually must pay a $150 fee. Under Senate Bill S698, the Interior Department also must study a proposed requirement for proof of medical insurance by Denali climbers. The report is due in November 2001, when it will be submitted to Congress for review. It is expected that Denali National Park will assemble a panel in January to begin formulating recommendatiions.
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