In the highly unlikely case you've missed it, Ramón Julian Puigblanque is the man on form right now. Both in Chamonix and Arco the powerful Spaniard was in a class of his own, and now he's back on rock.Given the huge number of routes this man has already done, you'd think there wouldn't be much left for him in Spain. There is though. Let's just say there's a lot of rock in Spain…During a couple of typical Ramonet style week-ends at Margalef and Sant Llorenç del Munt, he could add three 8b+ onsights, Grandes y poderosas, El garrepu and Directa colomers to his long and growing list. He also found time for two FA's: Mareando la perdiz, 8c, and Matajinflons, 8b+, both 2nd go as well as another 8b+ 2nd go. Oh, and that's not all. He also worked a 9b-ish project, onsighted a bunch of 8a-8b's and redpointed some as well. In total, that's 14 routes between 8a and 8c in four days. Most of us would be happy if we could achieve this in… a lifetime.