Ramonet´s onsight spree this weekend was even more fantastic than we reported. Instead of one 8b+ onsight, there were two! We thought Hidrofobia had come down to 8b but this wasn´t the case. So, this past Sunday Ramonet onsighted the 8b+´s Les Elements and Hidrofobia. Les Elements has also benn onsighted by Pablo Barbero and Hidrofobia has been flashed by Katie Brownand Tommy Caldwell. Needless to say Ramonet is the first climber ever to onsight two 8b+´s in a day. If we remember correctly he is the 9th climber to onsight this grade. Elie Chevieux: Massey Fergusson, Maldita Maria (1995) Yuji Hirayama Mortal Kombat (Nov 1999) Cristian Brenna Mortal Kombat (Jan 2002) Christian Bindhammer Millenium (April 2002) Steve McClure Indian summer (August 2002) Tomas Mrazek Kaj ti je deklica (September 2002) Chris Sharma Biotop (September 2002) Pablo Barbero Les Elements (September 2002) Ramón Julián Les Elements, Hidrofobia (November 2002) Ramonet leaps even further ahead in the rankings with a record score of 12670.