The 5th Climbing Works International Festival (CWIF) takes place this weekend on Saturday & Sunday (5th/6th March 2011). With over 250 competitors, a huge cash prize fund (over £4k), 1 brand new Berghaus Competition wall and a FREE BBQ it's going to be one mighty weekend of bouldering. Best of all, it's all FREE. No Entry Fee and the chance to climb alongside some of the best boulders in the World set by some of the leading route setters in the World. You can read all about the CWIF, its history and why you should get involved in this UKC Article.
One of the unique Men's problems in the Semi's in CWIF 2010The Climbing Works, 01 Mar 2011© Alex MessengerMick Ryan, UKC Senior Editor, saw The CWIF take place last year and has this to say about the event:”The first bouldering competitions I went to must have been in the early 90's, I really enjoyed them, they were social and challenging. Whether inside or out it is always great to push yourself climbing with friends.I felt the same way when I went to last year's CWIF at Sheffield's The Climbing Works. Indoor walls have moved on somewhat since the early 90's, they are far better and the Works is one of the best; not just for the walls and quality problems but for the supportive and fun atmosphere that the Climbing Works team encourage.Last year at CWIF I dragged my sorry body up as many problems as I could whilst watching in awe the ever increasingly young climbers of today finesse their way up problems like they were Diffs. I rubbed shoulders with some of the world's best; Gabri Moroni, Sabi Bacher, Stew Watson and talked to a climbing god, the Bleausard, Jacky Godoffe.The grilled burgers and beer went down very well indeed before the evening finals and what a final it was. The cream of European climbing competing before us doesn't just entertain it inspires – it makes you want to pull harder and get fitter.I'll be back this year that's for sure.”You can watch a preview of the weekend below and see highlights from previous year CWIF's on our YouTube page.Registration is still open but we're quickly heading to our maximum limit. Make sure you don't miss out on a bouldering competition that is completely unique. The CWIF is coming…You can register online here2011 CWIF Preview:
The CWIF 2011 is supported byScarpa,,HoldzandHRT Holds. These companies help make The CWIF what it is. Without this support, The CWIF would not be as much fun.This year The CWIF will also be used as part of the qualification process for those wishing to be in the Senior British Bouldering Team. You can read more about this on this UKC article. Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen