by Mick Ryan A Brighter Present In 2001 the BMC under Roger Payne tried to halt publication of the seminal Rockfax guidebook Peak Gritstone East. Lawyers were involved, BMC money was spent but nothing really came of it. Or did it? Alan James of Rockfax argues on his blog that if the publication Peak Gritstone East had been halted we might not have the high quality and award-winning guidebooks we see today published not only by Rockfax, but by the BMC, Ground Up, Cicerone, FRCC and other guidebook publishers in the UK and further afield. Today, the BMC and Rockfax have good relations, no doubt because the BMC is a different organisation now than it was in 2001. In fact Alan James is making lunch at his house tomorrow for Dave Turnbull, the CEO of the BMC. You can read Alan´s blog and what he has to say here at