by Mick Ryan The Climbing Works The World´s Biggest Bouldering Wall or to give it its proper name, The Climbing Works is opening in Sheffield this coming December. It is the brain child of Percy Bishton and Sam Whittaker, two characters with much climbing wall management experience and real rock antics. Graeme Alderson, the BMC comp man is also involved as a non-executive director (photo of the team). The company they have formed is called, The Peak Bouldering Company and the venue is Unit B – Centenary Works on Little London Road in S8, an old factory. Their plans are big and ambitious. Over 1000 square metres of bouldering with 6 graded circuits, each consisting of 50 colour-coded boulder problems, reset every 3 months. Route setters incude Ian Vickers (European Champion in 1998 and Chief Route Setter at 2 successive World Championships), Laurent Boudier of France (Chief Route Setter at numerous World Cups and former French National Team Coach) and all being well, Jacky Godoffe, also from France and one of the worlds best boulder problem setters. But wait there´s more, there will be a dedicated kid?s bouldering area, the UK?s biggest, best and highest campus board, regular winter competitions, a café and shop, sports massage and crèche facilities, climbing classes and one-on-one training by some of the most well respected climbing coaches in the UK. To cap it all they have plans for the Ultimate Route. “A 40 metre long climb through the steepest terrain…….without the hassle of ropes, climbing partners, harnesses or any of the associated iron-mongery! That will provide a number of very long and sustained routes, graded from F6a to F8b.” You can see the plans here No items available
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