Vixen Tor Open Day There will be an ´Open Day´ for climbers and walkers at Vixen Tor on Sunday 30 July. The event has been agreed by the landowner – Mrs Mary Alford, in discussion with Channel 5 TV and local activists. This is a charity event with a £5.00 entry fee* (or £10.00 if you intend climbing) and all proceeds being split equally between farming support charities and the Air Ambulance service. Channel 5 will be filming on the day as part of the forthcoming ´Negotiator´ series. There will be a hot dog van and – so we are told – Morris Dancers. * The BMC believes that cliffs and mountains are part of our natural heritage and that access for climbing and mountaineering in a responsible, sustainable manner, is a basic human right. As a general principle, the BMC believes that access should be free of charge. Source: BMC On July 15th in Frankfurt, Germany the UIAA held an Extraordinary Plenary Assembly comprising 42 members representing 40 countries (39 voting). The proposal for the restructuring of the UIAA presented by the UIAA Climbing MC (called the FOUNDATION model) was voted as follows: 29 in favour 7 againts 3 abstensions. During the meeting, the mid-term plans for the ´Olympic Dream Path´ were also presented. Source: UIAA Some interesting commens from Dave MacLeod on his recent repeat and downgrading of Divided Years: Dave´s Blog. UKSport has announced plans to boost the amount of money allocated to Winter Sports in preparation for the next Winter Olympics in Canada, 2010. Predictaby there is no mention of ice climbing as it is not an Olympic Sport. Instead they have gone for the knee-jerk option, cutting the Alpine Skiing budget from £1.7m to £922,000 (despite excellent performances by British skiers in Italy earlier this year) whilst upping the budgets for Curling and Skeleton Bob (the two sports in which we actually won medals) from £372,000 and £815,000 to £1.1m and £2m respectively! Sensible policy…? We think not. Source: BBC American based women´s climbing magazine ´She Sends´ has decided to go completely digital, dropping its 10,000 copy print run to concentrate on providing free content on its website.Source: UKClimbing Chris Sharma is now sponsored by Evolv, presumably having dropped or been dropped by industry leader 5.10…
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