From dmmclimbing.comWelsh Winter Super VIIIs
Over a period of five days, two first ascents have been made at VIII and an VIII 8 has had an impressive on-sight third ascent.The most recent of the new VIII's was Erazerhead, a much eyed challenge on what is probably Wales' flagship crag for hard mixed climbing, Clogwyn Du, high up on the flank of Glyder Fawr. Based around the summer 5b second pitch of Hebenwi (E1), Simon Frost and Dave Garry succeeded where others had failed.Pete Harrison achieved an onsight of Nick Bullock's Travesty VIII 8 on Clogwyn Du and as reported at the UKC news page last week Chris Parkin and Pete Harrison climbed Tora Bora (VIII 8, 6, 4, 5) which takes takes a line between Broken Ceasefire and Imminent Conflict.Mark 'Baggy' Richards the chronicler of Welsh Winter climbing at his blog said last week:”The perception of Wales as a winter climbing backwater has all changed. This winter it suddenly reared its head to fulfil its potential as the King of the Jungle. With so much psyche and commitment being given to Welsh winter action from the outset this season, it was obviously going to be a very memorable one. It's still only half-way through February and things have reached fever pitch.”Read more at Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen