Rocky Mountain National Park
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Bears Ears
- Bishop
- Black Canyon
- Boone
- Boulder Canyon
- Buttermilks
- Canyonlands
- Castle Valley
- City of Rocks
- Coconino National Forest
- Devils Tower
- El Capitan
- Flagstaff
- Flatirons
- Frisco
- Glenwood Springs
- Green River
- High Sierra
- Hueco Tanks
- Independence Pass
- Indian Creek
- Joe's Valley
- Joshua Tree
- Lilly Boulders
- Lincoln Lake
- Little Cottonwood
- Mile Canyon
- Moab
- Monastery
- Mount Charleston
- Mount Evans
- Nevada
- New River Gorge
- New York City
- Ouray
- Red River Gorge
- Red Rocks
- Rifle
- Rumney
- Shawangunks
- Smith Rocks
- Tahoe
- Ten Sleep Canyon
- Tennessee
- The Diamond
- The Fins
- Tuolumne Meadows
- Vail
- Vedauwoo
- Washington
- Wild Iris
- Yosemite Valley
- Zion National Park
[VIDEO] ‘Random US’ – Bouldering with Niky Ceria
Through the Fall and Winter of 2019, Niky Ceria spent 84 days in the US. The journey began in the beautiful Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.
[VIDEO] Daniel Woods Makes Room For A New Boulder Hunter In The Colorado Woods
Boulder, Colorado, is a sacred place for rock climbers. Whether you're an artistic 'dirtbag' living paycheck to paycheck, or one of the world's premiere boulderers, the Rocky Mountains provide the necessary ingredients for every climber to experience their passion and challenge their limits.
[VIDEO] Paige Claassen on “Sarchasm” (5.14)
There is a fine line between an excuse and an experience. The North Face rock climber, Paige Claassen, finds that line while projecting "Sarchasm", a high-alpine 5.14 sport-climb outside of her hometown of Estes Park, Colorado, showing us that mental training is often as important as physical preparation.
[VIDEO] Daniel Woods in “Pain it black” (V15)
Out hiking in the woods looking for the mountain lion, when Chad Greedy stumbled upon Daniel Woods making the first ascent of "Paint it black" (V15). Luckily he had his trusty iPhone on him.
[VIDEO] Dave Graham on “The Phoenix” (8B+)
Its June 2014. After working the problem on and off all winter, Trangoworld athlete Dave Graham climbs a new Colorado compression testpiece "The Phoenix" (8B+).
[VIDEO] Adam Ondra gelingt “Jade” (FB 8B+) im Flash
Nach dem Boulderweltcup in Vail, den Adam Ondra als Dritter beendete, schien noch ein wenig Kraft übrig geblieben zu sein. Zusammen mit Dave Graham ging es in den Rocky Mountain National Park, um dort eine 8B und eine 8B+ zu flashen.
[VIDEO] “Switching Gears” With Alex Puccio
A Zerr Productions short film that features Alex Puccio and Joel Zerr bouldering in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO. Tune in to see how Alex deals with the dichotomous nature of being a World Cup Competitor and prominent female for pushing standards on rock!
[VIDEO] “Unreleased Shit” with Jimmy Webb, Daniel Woods and Dave Graham
Over the past year Sean Morgan has been #blessed (in his own words) with the privilege of shooting the worlds best bouldering all over Colorado. Lots of shit has gone down in front of his lens, but for whatever reason, maybe just being lazy, some world class send clips were just allowed to sit dormant on his hard drives, never to be seen by anyone... until now!!
[VIDEO] Blood, Sweat & Bad Conditions: Alex Puccchio on “Jade” (V14)
In this short film professional climber Alex Puccio battles with Jade V14 in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO. Tackling her first V14 definitely had its ups and downs. Humid conditions and spilt finger tips were the name of the game as she battled through to complete this iconic test piece.
Katha Saurwein und Jorg Verhoeven im Chaos Canyon
Letzten Herbst unternahmen die Marmot PRO Athleten Jorg Verhoven und Katha Saurwein einen Trip in den Rockymountain National Park (RMNP) ins Bouldergebiet Chaos Canyon. Die Reise bescherte Katha Saurwein mit "Nuthin but sunshine" ihren ersten 8b (V13) Boulder. Auch Jorg konnte auf seiner To Do-Liste im RMNP einige Klassiker abhaken und kletterte insgesamt 16 Boulder im Bereich 8a bis 8b+.