- Alaska
- Arizona
- Bears Ears
- Bishop
- Black Canyon
- Boone
- Boulder Canyon
- Buttermilks
- Canyonlands
- Castle Valley
- City of Rocks
- Coconino National Forest
- Devils Tower
- El Capitan
- Flagstaff
- Frisco
- Glenwood Springs
- Green River
- High Sierra
- Hueco Tanks
- Independence Pass
- Indian Creek
- Joe's Valley
- Joshua Tree
- Lilly Boulders
- Lincoln Lake
- Little Cottonwood
- Mile Canyon
- Moab
- Monastery
- Mount Charleston
- Mount Evans
- Nevada
- New River Gorge
- New York City
- Ouray
- Red River Gorge
- Red Rocks
- Rifle
- Rocky Mountain National Park
- Rumney
- Shawangunks
- Smith Rocks
- Tahoe
- Ten Sleep Canyon
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- The Diamond
- The Fins
- Tuolumne Meadows
- Vail
- Vedauwoo
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- Wild Iris
- Yosemite Valley
- Zion National Park
[VIDEO] Lynn Hill on “The Orb” (5.13b)
The Orb is a short and stout sport climb in Boulder Canyon, CO. In this video, Lynn Hill and Fred Knapp test their wits and enjoy the process of climbing hard in the shadow of Castle Rock.
[VIDEO] Climbing Chilly Crazy Charming Colorado (Lost in North America, Ep. 8)
Freezing conditions, snow and dodgy passes are not enough to keep the Lost crew from bouldering through the Rockies! They will brave snow and ice to climb the best granite Colorado has to offer. The Lost crew are back and goin' alpine!!
[VIDEO] Carlo Traversi on the first ascent of “The Altruist” (V13)
In 2012 Carlo Traversi sent a longstanding project in Colorado's Flatirons and called it "The Altruist" (V13). Carlo Traversi comments on his achievement: "It definitely felt hard for me. Easier (7c+/V10) climbing leads to a very difficult and low percentage two move sequence at the lip, followed by a very spicy top out."