8b, 8b+ and 8c on-sight in one day by Patxi

Patxi Usobiaga is still in Catalonia (Spain) and today he visited Racó de Misa in Montsant. His on-sight feast started with La Esclava del Temps, 60m 8b and bolted by Toni Arbonés; then, he did an FA, also on-sight, when solving David Brascó´s last project in the sector called Variante Monocroma, proposing 8c for it as he felt it way harder than Falconetti, L-Mens and Hidrofobia (all three 8b+). At the end of the day, and in the same style, he fired-off the above mentioned Falconetti, 8b+ which he thought was easy for the grade. The score from the last seven days is a new world record and only these ascents would almost make him the world ranking leader – AMAZING! It seems like he is in better shape than any climber has ever been!
