Cedric Larcher of Kairn reports: After Reaccion Indirecta, 8c/8c+ , the hardest route in Argentina the day before, Alex Chabot did Directa Challenger, the first 8c of Argentina, onsight! Chris Lindner had done the route a few hours before. Hearing his greetings, Alex decided to try it too. He managed to do it onsight! Discussing the route, Chris and Alex agreed it is an “easy” 8c. So the grade will be 8b+/8c. Directa Challenger is situated in Valle Encantado, Argentina. It´s a 30m route, equiped by Pere Vilarasau and first climbed by Brasilian Thiago Balen at the end of January As if this was not enough, Alex also flashed Ona, 8b.
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