planetFear´s Katherine Schirmacher reports on the British invasion of Hueco Tanks: Its hard to climb at Hueco at the moment and hear an America accent. With a combination of about 4 different teams there are between 20 and 30 Brits clambering around on the great rock and fighting the frustrating regulations. As a collective the Brits have been taking over East Mountain tours and ripping up. Neil ´Nige´ Kershaw climbed Barefoot on Sacred Ground (V12). Tyler Landman´s racking up 8bs like its no longer news, but threw in a one hour ascent of Coeur de Lyon (V14) to give us something more to wonder at (more from Tyler below). ´Irish´ Si Moore grabbed an ascent of Loaded Direct (V12) and V10 flashes are going out of fashion: Neil Mawson, normally used to wiggling in wires flashed Predator and Nic Sellers flashed Loaded with Power. Liam Halsey, Londoner and beast, flashed the hard Power of Silence (V10) and classic Full Service (V10) and mopped up Martini Roof (V12), Power of Landjager and Chablanke both V11. The girls are here too and Joan Mulloy of Ireland beat her V5 aspirations by 3 grades, with a solid consolidation of V6´s and V7´s, culminating with the classic Mushroom Roof V8. I too climbed this and managed the crimp fest of ´Better Eat Your Wheaties´ a hard V8. That´s all for now………… Katherine Tyler, about his 1 hour ascent of Coeur de Lyon: Me and my friend Daniel Woods started trying it because it was soft on the skin and had only seen two ascents. Fred Nicole in 98 and bernd zangerl (who popped his tendon on it and spent many years to repeat it in (I think in 2003). 1hour later I had made the 3rd ascent. I was very pleased. Daniel was very close that day but didn´t do it. He did it the day after to make the 4th ascent.
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