Tim Emmett and Ian Parnell have climbed a new all free route up the huge South East pillar of Kedar Dome (6830m) in India´s Gangotri region. The boys climbed the route onsight, no falls and with no aid in 7 days. Tim led the crux pitch – a smooth corner at over 6000m which he rated at E3/4 6a. “It´s definitely the most demanding piece of climbing that I´ve managed without falls, like climbing Zukator with a rucksac and a plastic bag over my head.” The pair on the summit. The only other routes on Kedar´s East Face were put up by Hungarian and Polish teams using significant amounts of fixed rope (the Hungarians used 850m of it). Both these routes finished at the top of their rock difficulties 600m below the summit and it is thought that the Brits are the first to summit Kedar from the East side. This expedition received the Nick Escourt Award earlier this year (applicants for the 2007 award must apply before Dec 31 2006). ———————————————————————– If you have any news worth reporting please contact Matt – matt@planetfear.com / 0114 2969114 ———————————————————————–
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