It´s a work of art, is 5 metres high and weighs 100 tonnes – and you´re invited to climb it. That is, if you can find your way to the grounds of Compton Verney in Warwickshire this weekend (Sat 20th and Sun 21st July). According to the press release, you and JD and everyone else will be “animating” the work. Other activities over the weekend include a screening of the new Slackjaw bouldering film “Stick It”, free bouldering lessons for members of the public with little or no climbing experience and a discussion of climbing and art with John Frankland (who made the boulder – called Untitled Boulder) and Johnny Dawes. More details by calling Compton Verney on 01962 645500; you can also find lots more details at We´re looking forward to a full topo… ( Source: BBC News (climber) )
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