Romain Desgranges repeats Gautama

Romain DesgrangesBjörn Pohl – UKC, Jun 2010© Romain Desgranges

Romain Desgranges has made the second ascent of Théo Chappex' Gautama graded hard 8B+, taking advantage of the unusual cold at Branson on the 20th of June. He suggests that a grade of hard 8B would be more appropriate considering the new beta he sorted out.Branson, basically a chunk of rock perched on a Vallais hillside, is host to a number of legendary Nicole problems, such as Radja, La danse des balrog, Traction celeste and Les feux d'Azeroth etc.Source: Bouldering info Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen
