by Christian Beckwith – Renowned Slovenian alpinist Pavle Kozjek has been reported missing on the striking and seldom-climbed Muztagh Tower (7284m) in Pakistan´s Karakoram range. Kozjek had set up a bivy tent somewhere on the mountain near a cornice.Kozjek had emerged from the tent and approached the cornice when hefell down the face. The exact details of the incident are unclear, and there remains hope that in the morning, a rescue attempt will be made. “There is no doubt he´s a good climber,” says Slovenian alpinist Marko Prezelj, “but as a person, he is even better.” Pavle Kozjek is one of the world´s most accomplished alpine climbers and has written several pieces for Alpinist Magazine.You can find out more about him and his achievements on the Alpinist Website. ( Source: Alpinist )
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