The IFSC calls upon the worldwide climbing community to rally around its 2020 Olympic bid

The International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) continues to involve the worldwide climbing community in its 2020 Olympic dream. The latest action is the launch of a donation campaign that includes the strong support of IFSC partners.

IFSC: Donation campaign For the IFSC and the worldwide climbing community there is no doubt, sport climbing has every chance of joining the Olympic family!

Next May 29, 2013, in St. Petersburg, Russia, the International Federation of Sport Climbing and seven other International Federations will present their respective candidate sport to the IOC Executive Board. The very same day, the IOC Executive Board will decide which candidate sports will remain on the short list to take part in September 2013's final round.

Only one of these sports will be included in the 2020 Olympic Games program, a unique opportunity for the chosen sport, its athletes and all its stakeholders to shine in the international spotlight every 4 years.

Sport climbing has now climbed to the semifinals, and will count on the dynamic climbing community to reach the finals! The worldwide climbing community has a role to play

The dedication and the enthusiasm of the bidding sport's worldwide community is a key part of the decision making process, providing a tangible way to assess the popularity of the sport. Sport climbing is proud to have a strong and active community. After having engaged its community in the 2020 dream with the creation of a dedicated 2020 Facebook page, the IFSC is now launching a donation campaign (, another way to involve the climbing community in backing the sport.

This campaign, primarily ran through the 2020 Facebook page, seeks to increase the number of fans on the 2020 Facebook page and raise money.

"The goal is to raise the symbolic amount of 20,200 EUR. This donation campaign will be used to rapidly improve the quality of our events, broadcasting and communication around the world," Anne Fuynel, IFSC Director of Marketing & Communications, enthusiastically states.

Earn your chance to win one of the 54 prizes IFSC partners already heavily involved in supporting the development of sport climbing have decided to join the 2020 dream by offering outstanding prizes to boost the donation campaign. 54 amazing prizes from Entre-Prises and Kailas will be awarded to generous contributors.

How to participate? Each individual who donates a minimum of 5 Euros to the donation campaign, via, will be entered into the drawing.

54 lucky winners will be chosen at the end of the campaign to be awarded one of the following prizes:

  • 10 Kailas Flash Quickdraws 16cm
  • 4 Kailas Intuition Dry Ropes 9.4mm 50m
  • 4 Kailas Insight Ropes 9.8mmm 50m
  • 10 Kailas Beanies
  • 4 Kailas Men's Rock Climbing Pants (Blue Magic)
  • 4 Kailas Men's Rock Climbing Shorts
  • 4 Kailas Men's Rock Climbing Pants
  • 10 Kailas Men's Functional T-shirts Quick Dry
  • 4 Entre-Prises Kineboards

Why sport climbing in the 2020 Olympics?

  • Climbing is unlike any other sport currently present in the Olympic Games (OG).
  • Climbing is not an add-on or a variation of an existing discipline in the OG.
  • Climbing is unique because it represents one of the basic motor skills used throughout human evolution.
  • Children can climb before they are able to walk.
  • Climbing is not linked to technology but is primordial, an integral part of basic human nature.
  • Climbing works in both the natural and urban environments, it represents a journey through the vertical world and beyond.
  • Climbing will complete and balance out the Olympic Games since humans are all NATURAL BORN CLIMBERS.

What is sport climbing's added value to the Games? Climbing is a lifestyle that:

  • Meets youth and older generations' expectations,
  • Appeals to those looking for alternative and/or outdoor activities,
  • Brings the Olympic world new market opportunities in the big and continuously growing outdoor market,
  • Provides something fresh and innovative.

Sport climbing will add a new dimension to the Olympic Games:

  • Climbing will be the only vertical sport in the OG,
  • Climbing is the only basic human movement (like walking, running, swimming …) that is not represented by a sport in the OG,
  • Climbing is a formidable educational tool to fight obesity, social issues and discrimination,
  • Only body and mind are used to climb, apparel and tools exist only to protect the climber when gravity wins.

Climbing by the numbers:

  • 81 active member federations (almost all of them organize annual national championships),
  • Biannual World Championships (since 1991),
  • Annual World Youth Championships (since 1992),
  • 40 international events per year,
  • 1600 international memberships issued every year,
  • 25 million climbers worldwide,
  • 3,000 new climbers every day.
QuellePierre-Emmanuel Danger (IFSC)