Toxic Bilberries Repeated

On Friday 30th August Pete Hurley made the second ascent of Lancashire´s hardest route Toxic Bilberries E8 7a. “As we arrived it was raining hard but the steep crux wall was mostly dry. Pete had previously tried the line on a shunt and got the crux quickly on a rope. Pete spent 30 mins, a full block of chalk and 2 towels drying the top wall and groove. He tied on at the bottom and it started pouring down again. When the rain gave in, Pete dried the top again, came down and lead the route first go. He didn´t use side runners in loops or skyhooks by the crux. The gear used was small wires above the ledge. Pete also repeated Strawberry Kiss E7 6b and made the third ascent of Lovely Charlotte E7 6c, both in Lancashire. Pete intends to do all of the routes in the grit quarries soon.And on September the 3rd he made the third ascent of Vortex, E8 6c, another Garetg Parry route in Egerton.
