Alizée Dufraisse:
I was in Spain again last febuary/march after 3 months training, to have fun there and try to find a project, not especially really hard. I was at the beginning of my big training program, so it was not the time to be in shape to try such a hard thing. First day I arrive, I look "la rambla" and I could resist to go and touch, see how is my level after all this training!!
Surprise, I was feeling really good, lot better than the other years, doing the last hard section easily, and after thinking some time I decided to invest totally for the 5 weeks left. Hard decision, choose to do difference routes, less hard and discover new things or keep tinting in this big project…
Then the 3 first week were very good, improving a lot. My friends went to meet me there and I was such a great time all together in this magical place.
But after some time and crazy forecast, I could t finish my project, happy in a way: I ll have the chance to go back on the route 😉