WIN A FILM PASS TO KENDAL MOUNTAIN FESTIVALS – one pass a week for the next seven weeks.Each week from today there is a chance to win a Weekend Film Pass (valid for Sat/Sun 21/22nd Nov) to this years Kendal Mountain Festivals. We will be running this competition every Friday until the Festival: so that's seven tickets to win. All you have to do is answer three questions in a Premier Post and email the answers to us.FIRST WEEK COMP QUESTIONS AT:Premier Post – WIN…a film pass to KENDAL MOUNTAIN FESTIVALTHE ASGARD PROJECTWe talked to Al Lee of Posing Productions this week who having just returned from Baffin Island with Leo and crew now has seven weeks to produce The Asgard Project film from over 40 hours of raw footage. Al works best under pressure.Alastair Lee and Mount AsgardThis week he got the trailer out that features Leo Houlding, Sean Leary (USA), and Carlos Suarez (Spain) jumping out of a plane onto a glacier next to Asgard. I asked him about the story behind the footage in the trailer featured below.”The story behind the jump is that we tried shipping a bunch of stuff ahead of us in March (local outfitters can skidoo stuff up the frozen sea-ice and snow almost to base camp), our stuff did make it there. But three polar bears were sighted in the Asgard area so the Park Service choppered all our stuff out. So then we organised the airdrop to get all the kit back in, we got permission from the Park Services to do this and to sky dive in but the air company weren't so keen on the sky dive so we thought it wouldn't happen. Then once we got there and met the pilots, they were super cool guys and asked if we wanted to sky dive in……. .For me the airdrop was the most spectacular flight I have ever been on, flying so low over the glacier, with increasingly tight turns as the pilots got more used to the landscape… I was totally green as I get bad motion sickness but I kept the camera rolling. Hanging out the door of a DC-3 doing over 100mph over the incredible landscape of Mt Asgard was definitely the most exciting, adventurous and spectacular things I have ever filmed. Then watching the guys jump out over the glacier was just something else. Just the start of the greatest adventure any of us have been on.Here's the trailer. We hope you can make it to Kendal for the premiere. I best get back to work”The Kendal Mountain Festival 2009HOW TO BOOK TICKETSThe dates are 19-22 November and tickets are available now. Book online – – or by phone 01539 725133 – news as it happens at accessible from the M6 and by train and there are plenty of accommodation options in and around the town but you need to be on your toes as they fill up very quickly over the Mountain Festival weekend.For all your questions, accomodation and travel needs go to here you will find all the information you should need for your visit to Cumbria, alternatively call the accommodation booking line on 0845 450 Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen
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