Ricky Bell has climbed another hard new route in Northern Ireland, this time from the ground up.The Thing in the Forest weighs in at E7 6c and Ricky first tried it about 12 months ago.”I'd tried it before about a year ago and fell near the top. I came very close to the ground. I had a bit more composure this time and kept it together to the top.” commented Ricky.The route, in the Cooley Mountains just south of Newry, has a hard boulder problem start followed by some scary moves above cams and sky hooks.Also trying the route was Andy Marshall, who took quite a fall. Ricky said:In fading light Andy got completely pumped and fell off the last move onto two sky hooks on a big crimp. They held. We were both surprised!”Route Description:The Thing in the Forest ** 15m E7 6cR. Bell (ground up ? mats were used) 30/11/09Cooley Mountains Co Louth. Park at Long woman's grave car park. There's popular bouldering on the hill side east of the road. The Thing in the Forest is in an atmospheric opening about 50m into the forest and about 800m up the hill.Climb the leaning wall to the ramp near half height (crux). Good small cams in low slot. Red Camalot in higher slot. Continue up and left over bulge to a flake. Sky Hooks are handy.VIDEO: Ricky Bell bouldering out the lower section ofThe Thing in the ForestThe Thing in the Forest… from Tops Off 4POWER on Vimeo.Ricky Bell is sponsored byMarmot ,Scarpa andZero-G Climbing Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf UKClimbing.com anschauen
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