Film produced by: Louder Than Eleven (
- Personen
- Jorg Verhoeven
- Katharina Saurwein
- Firmen
- Marmot
- Rocky Mountain National Park
- News
- Sportklettern & Bouldern
- Newstyp
- Videos
[VIDEO] Stomping Grounds – Jorg Verhoeven and Katha Saurwein bouldering in Colorado
Marmot PROs Jorg Verhoeven and Katha Saurwein return to America for an adventure in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado as an escape from the traveling life on the World Cup circuit. The duo spent one month bouldering in the high alpine of Rocky Mountain National Park where Katha was able to claim her first V13 (8B) and Jorg ticks some of the hardest climbs the area has to offer.