StartPersonenJorg Verhoeven

Jorg Verhoeven

    THE FLAME - Never Ending Projects with Jorg Verhoeven (c) Ascent

    [VIDEO] THE FLAME – Never Ending Projects with Jorg Verhoeven

    Join Jorg Verhoeven working on some of the hardest route climbing projects around his hometown Innsbruck, Austria, while he explains the route details and his quest to find his ultimate project 'The Flame'.
    FREE - Big Wall Climbing in Yosemite with Jorg Verhoeven and Katha Saurwein (c) La Sportiva

    [VIDEO] FREE – Big Wall Climbing in Yosemite with Jorg Verhoeven and Katha Saurwein

    La Sportiva athlete Jorg Verhoeven makes the annual pilgrimage to Yosemite, California to attempt the 2nd free ascent of "The Dihedral Wall" (VI 5.14a) on El Capitan.
    Marmot-Frankenjura-Kletterfestival 2017: Sonne – Klettern - Festival

    Marmot-Frankenjura-Kletterfestival 2017: Sonne – Klettern – Festival

    Perfekte Wetterbedingungen lockten die Sportler über das verlängerte Wochenende zum großen Klettertreffen ins herrliche Königsteiner Naturbad. Schon am Mittwochabend begann sich die frisch gemähte Liegewiese mit den ersten Zelten zu füllen.
    23. Filmfest St. Anton

    23. Filmfest St. Anton: Berge – Menschen – Abenteuer

    Das Filmfest St. Anton startet in diesem Jahr mit einem Filmabend für "Ladies Only", einem Abend, an dem die Bühne des den Frauen gehört. Mit ihren Kletter-, Alpinismus- und Freeride-Filmen - die Mehrzahl davon sind Premieren - kommen Anna Stöhr, Lorraine Huber, Nadine Wallner, Mayan Smith-Gobat, Tamara Lunger, Barbara Zangerl und Nina Caprez nach St. Anton.
    DREAMLAND - The World's Best Bouldering in Rocklands, South Africa (c) MarmotEuropa

    [VIDEO] DREAMLAND – The World’s Best Bouldering in Rocklands, South Africa

    Marmot athletes Jorg Verhoeven, Katha Saurwein, and Jon Glassberg live the bouldering dream in Rocklands, South Africa. Join the crew on a fantasy tour of the finest climbs the area has to offer from old classics to new projects.
    Jorg Verhoeven on "Ammagamma" (V13), Grampians, Australia (c) Marmot Mountain Europe

    [VIDEO] Jorg Verhoeven on “Ammagamma” (V13), Grampians, Australia

    Jorg Verhoeven and Katha Saurwein visit the Grampian Mountains of Australia to sample the best bouldering and sport climbs in the world. As part of the Grampians "BIG 4", Jorg climbs the classic bouldering test piece "Ammagamma" (V13) and ticks one more #lifelist box.
    Katharina Saurwein on "Eye Of The Tiger" (29/5.13b), Grampians, Australia (c) Marmot Mountain Europe

    [VIDEO] Katharina Saurwein on “Eye Of The Tiger” (29/5.13b), Grampians, Australia

    Jorg Verhoeven and Katha Saurwein visit the Grampian Mountains of Australia to sample the best bouldering and sport climbs in the world. As part of the Grampians "BIG 4", Katha climbs the classic sport test piece "Eye of the Tiger" (29/5.13b) and ticks one more #lifelist box.
    Jorg Verhoeven on 'Groove Train' (33/5.14b) - Grampians, Australia (c) Marmot Mountain Europe

    [VIDEO] Jorg Verhoeven on “Groove Train” (33/5.14b) – Grampians, Australia

    Jorg Verhoeven and Katha Saurwein visit the Grampian Mountains of Australia to sample the best bouldering and sport climbs in the world. As part of the Grampians "BIG 4", Jorg climbs the classic sport test piece ""Groove Train"" (33/5.14b) and ticks one more #lifelist box.
    Jorg Verhoeven on 'Wheel of Life' (V15), Grampians, Australia (c) Marmot Mountain Europe

    [VIDEO] Jorg Verhoeven on “Wheel of Life” (V15), Grampians, Australia

    Marmot PROs Jorg Verhoeven and Katharina Saurwein visit the Grampian Mountains of Australia to sample the best bouldering and sport climbs in the world. As part of the Grampians "BIG 4", Jorg climbs the classic bouldering test piece "Wheel of Life" (V15) and ticks one more #lifelist box.
    Video-Release: Katharina Saurwein und Jorg Verhoeven in Australien (c) Marmot/Jon Glassberg

    Video-Release: Katharina Saurwein und Jorg Verhoeven in Australien

    Die Marmot PROs Katharina Saurwein (AT) und Jorg Verhoeven (NL) sind für ihre harten Begehungen beim Klettern und Bouldern sowie für ihre Erfolge als Wettkampfkletterer bekannt. Im Juli 2015 zogen die beiden kurz nach ihrer Hochzeit los, um in Australien einige Touren ihrer persönlichen Kletter-"Lifelist" abzuhaken.


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