
    Ben Moon: Past, present and future (Part 1) (c) Boreal Outdoor

    [VIDEO] Ben Moon: Past, present and future (Part 1)

    Ben Moon talks bouldering progression, sport climbing and where it's all headed. He's firmly back to sport climbing now, and has a new personalised training plan for the winter courtesy of Tom Randall and Lattice Training. Ben has set his sights on 9a Northern Lights at Kilnsey in the UK, and has no doubt it will go down.
    Getting schooled with Ben Moon (c) Boreal Outdoor

    [VIDEO] Getting schooled with Ben Moon

    After a remarkable career including the World's first 9a ("Hubble"), last year Ben Moon achieved what many thought to be impossible by repeating the climb over 20 years after it's first ascent. Now working towards his nemesis route "Northern Lights", Ben gives us some insight into his training at the School Room.
    Dani Andrada und Edu Marín in "Chilam Balam" (9a+/b) (c) BOREAL Outdoor

    [VIDEO] Dani Andrada und Edu Marín in “Chilam Balam” (9a+/b)

    Chilam Balam ist am Sektor Villanueva del Rosario in Spanien, eine 85 Meter lange Route durch ein riesiges Dach. Sie ist bekannt als eine der besten Routen Spaniens im Schwierigkeitsgrad 9a+/b.
    The Party Boulder: Boreal (c) Wappato Media House

    [VIDEO] The Party Boulder: Boreal

    In early 2015, Boreal athletes Andi Turner, Sam Hamer, Jordon Buys & Naomi Buys took a casual trip up North, to a lone boulder sitting amounts Halifax's suburban centre. Creating three new problems: Busta Groove V6, Little Box Big Box V6 and to the Disco V7.
    Urko, Climbing the present (c) Urko Documental

    [VIDEO] Urko, Climbing the present (Trailer)

    "Urko, Climbing the present" is a documentary about life and personality of Urko Carmona, Paraclimbing World Champion. During 2 years we’ve been recording the life of this young climber, who lost his leg in a traffic accident with 15 years old.
    Boreal Satori (c) Boreal

    Boreal Satori: Kletterschuhperformance auf den Punkt gebracht

    Ein Kletterschuh, der fast alles kann und einen trotzdem immer zur Hochform auflaufen lässt. Mit der supergriffigen Boreal Zenith Sohle klebt der Satori förmlich auf jedem Untergrund und meistert auch winzige Spax oder minimale Leisten problemlos.
    Edu Marin partners up with his 62 year-old father for 8c Big Wall (c) EpicTV

    [VIDEO] Edu Marin partners up with his 62 year-old father for 8c Big Wall...

    Edu Marin is one of the strongest sport climbers in the world. His father "Novato" is perhaps THE strongest 62 year-old. It was only a matter of time before they joined forces for a project: and oh, what a project. They decided to take on Panaroma, a face on one of the Tre cime di Lavaredo peaks in the Dolomites.
    Nacho Sánchez klettert Crisis (8C/+) in Crevillente, Spanien (c) Rebeca Morillo

    Nacho Sánchez klettert “Crisis” (8C/+) in Crevillente, Spanien

    Dem spanischen Boreal-Athleten Nacho Sánchez gelang die Erstbegehung seines Projekts in Crevillente, Spanien, das er auf den Namen "Crisis" taufte. Nacho bewertete Crisis mit 8C/+, womit es sein bis dato schwierigstes Boulderproblem ist.
    Iker Arroitajauregi bouldert in La Pedriza

    [VIDEO] Iker Arroitajauregi bouldert in La Pedriza

    In dem zehnminütigen Video bouldert der Spanier Iker Arroitajauregi in La Pedriza, der größten Granitformation Europas. Das Gebiet liegt nordwestlich von Madrid und war urprünglich für Sportklettern bekannt. Es umfasst über 1800 Granit-Boulder, die in 38 Sektoren unterteilt sind.


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