StartFirmenFive Ten

Five Ten

Pete Whittaker and Tom Randall in Canyonlands (c) Five Ten

[VIDEO] Pete Whittaker and Tom Randall in Canyonlands

In early 2019 Pete Whittaker and Tom Randall visited the crack climbing mecca, Canyonlands.
Five Ten Aleon with Fred Nicole (c) Five Ten

[VIDEO] Five Ten Aleon with Fred Nicole

Developed and designed by climbing legend Fred Nicole the Aleon is the latest addition to our climbing shoe range.
Without a partner: Pete Whittaker rope solos El Capitan in under 24 hours (c) teamBMC

[VIDEO] Without a partner: Pete Whittaker rope solos El Capitan in under 24 hours

In November 2016, Pete Whittaker became the first person to solo - all free - El Capitan in under 24 hours, finishing in 20 hours and 6 minutes. Rope Solo Free climbing is a sport that few people know about and even fewer people do.
Nina Williams on the Buttermilks Highball 'Ambrosia' (V11) (c) Nina Williams

[VIDEO] Nina Williams on the Buttermilks Highball “Ambrosia” (V11)

On February 28, 2017 Nina Williams made the first female ascent of Ambrosia, a 50-foot V11 (5.14 X) on the Grandpa Peabody Boulder in the Buttermilks of Bishop, California. The first ascent was done by Kevin Jorgeson in 2009.
Pete Whittaker: First Rope Solo Free Climbing on El Capitan in a day (c) Five Ten

[VIDEO] Pete Whittaker: First Rope Solo Free Climbing on El Capitan in a day

In this exclusive short film we get an sneak preview at the soon to be released feature film "Pete Whittaker, without a partner, a film about climbing alone."
24th Hueco Rock Rodeo (c) American Alpine Club

[VIDEO] 24th Hueco Rock Rodeo

Another great year at the 24th Hueco Rock Rodeo hosted by the American Alpine Club and presented by Five Ten, Avery Brewing, Patagonia, Organic, and La Sportiva. Thanks to Mind Frame Cinema for capturing these world class boulderers doing what they do best!
Mach dich fit für das Berlin Block Masters 2016 (c) CDS Schrott

Mach dich fit für das Berlin Block Masters 2016

Anfang Oktober geht das Berlin Block Masters in die zweite Runde. In allen teilnehmenden Boulderhallen warten sechs Wochen lang feinste Boulderprobleme auf die Berliner Kletter-Community.
Sonnie Trotter's First Free Ascent of Ewbank Route on Tasmania's Totem Pole (c) Five Ten

[VIDEO] Sonnie Trotter’s First Free Ascent of Ewbank Route on Tasmania’s Totem Pole

In January of 2009, after a 9-month battle (and 30 years since the First Aid Ascent) "The Ewbank Route" on the iconic Totem Pole saw all 4 of its original pitches climbed free by two local talents, Doug McConnel, and Dean Rollins.
Black Diamond Micropage zur Hardmoves Boulderleague (c) Hardmoves

Black Diamond Micropage zur Hardmoves Boulderleague

Auf der Hardmoves Seite stellt Black Diamond eine Plattform bereit, auf der die Teilnehmenden der Boulderleague ihre Begeisterung fürs Bouldern und Klettern weiter leben und teilen können.
HardMoves 2015/2016: Die Qualifikationsrunde (c) HardMoves

HardMoves 2015/2016: Die Qualifikationsrunde

Chalk aufgefüllt? Schuhe neubesohlt? Campusboard-Session erledigt? Jetzt wird es ernst: die HardMoves FightClub Edition 2015/2016 startet. Den Anfang machen am 3. Oktober 2015 Chimpanzodrome und Boulderplanet aus Köln sowie die Oldenburger Hallen Oldenbloc und up Kletterzentrum.


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