StartPersonenDean Potter

Dean Potter

    Free Solo Climbing With A Parachute - Dean Potter (c) REEL ROCK

    [VIDEO] Free Solo Climbing With A Parachute – Dean Potter

    Dean Potter died on May 16th, 2015 in a wingsuit accident in Yosemite Valley. For two decades he was the de facto leader of the Yosemite monkeys, and was a pioneer in what he called "the dark arts" -- free solo and speed climbing, BASE jumping and wingsuit flying, and highlining.
    Dean Potter Talks About Death (c) prAna

    [VIDEO] Dean Potter Talks About Death

    Dean Potter talks with prAna mindfulness ambassador Mark Coleman about death - something that is ever present for all us. When we acknowledge death, it can give us perspective to help live our lives to the fullest.
    Dean Potter auf der OUTDOOR 2007 (c) Martin Joisten

    Dean Potter und Graham Hunt tödlich verunglückt

    Wie mehrere Online Medien berichten, starb der weltbekannte Kletterer, Slackliner und BASE Jumper Dean Potter (43) zusammen mit seinem Begleiter Graham Hunt (29) bei einem Wingsuit Unfall im kalifornischen Yosemite Valley.


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