StartPersonenNalle Hukkataival

Nalle Hukkataival

Nalle Hukkataival: Deep Water Soloing in Finland (c) Black Diamond Equipment

[VIDEO] Nalle Hukkataival: Deep Water Soloing in Finland

Floating sauna? Check. Committing moves high above Finland’s biggest lake? Check. This is deep water soloing ... Finnish style.
Shawn Raboutou: Livin' Large (V16/8C+) (c) mellow

[VIDEO] Shawn Raboutou: Livin’ Large (V16/8C+)

During the summer of 2019, Shawn Raboutou makes the 3rd ascent of "Livin' Large" (V16/8C+). First sent by Nalle Hukatival more than 10 years ago this climb is located in Rocklands, South Africa. At 8 meters/26 feet tall this arete stands out as one of the hardest highballs in the world.
Live. Climb. Repeat. with Nalle Hukkataival (c) Black Diamond Equipment

[VIDEO] Live. Climb. Repeat. with Nalle Hukkataival

BD Athlete Nalle Hukkatiaval is driven by first ascents. For him, the moment of actually climbing a boulder problem is secondary—a mere 10%—compared to the hard work of actually unearthing the line.
Nalle Hukkataival in Rocklands - The Realm (c) Kevin Takashi Smith

[VIDEO] Nalle Hukkataival in Rocklands – The Realm

Nalle Hukkataival has been in South Africa developing a new bouldering area called The Realm, found in the Bideouw Valley near Rocklands.
Chasin' the Rubbish 2018 in Fontainebleau (c) Black Diamond

Chasin’ the Rubbish 2018 in Fontainebleau

Am Osterwochenende organisiert Black Diamond bereits zum siebten Mal die "Chasin-the-Rubbish" Aufräumaktion im französischen Bouldergebiet Fontainebleau. Vom 30. März bis 2. April werden Athleten und Mitarbeiter von Black Diamond dort nicht nur Müll einsammeln, sonder auch versuchen, andere Kletterer für einen verantwortlichen Umgang mit der einzigartigen aber fragilen Natur von Fontainebleau zu sensibilisieren.
Nalle Hukkataival on 'The Finnish Line' (V16) (c) Black Diamond Equipment

[VIDEO] Nalle Hukkataival on “The Finnish Line” (V16)

"A gem rarer than diamonds." That's how BD Athlete Nalle Hukkataival describes The Finnish Line (V16). Sitting untouched for years within a mecca for bouldering, Nalle's latest testpiece has it all-aesthetics, difficulty and a beautiful setting. Plus, it's now a contender for Rocklands' hardest boulder problem.
The Black Diamond Project

Black Diamond Event und Master-Route im Klättercentret Stockholm

Das Klättercentret Stockholm startet am 18. Februar 2017 das "The Black Diamond Project", ein brandneues Konzept, wenn es darum geht, Lead Klettern in der Halle als Fortschritt zu betrachten und messbar zu machen.
Highballin' In Swaziland With Jimmy Webb And Nalle Hukkataival (c) EpicTV

[VIDEO] Highballin’ In Swaziland With Jimmy Webb And Nalle Hukkataival

After discovering the first major bouldering venue in Swaziland, Nalle and Jimmy go after the most striking and obvious lines in the country. They find a crag that's close to the clouds, with giant hard problems.
Out of Sight II (Trailer) (c) neil hart

[VIDEO] Out of Sight II (Trailer)

"Out of Sight II" will take you on a journey from an unusual perspective, the forest of Fontainebleau as you have never seen it. World class climbers take on the hardest blocs in the forest as well as some of the more known problems.
Chasin' the rubbish 2015 (c) Scott Noy

“Chasin’ the rubbish 2015” in Fontainebleau und Val di Mello

Das Black Diamond Team, Black Diamond Athleten und zahlreiche Boulderer fanden sich an den Ostertagen zusammen, um Besucher der Bouldergebiete auf nachhaltige Verhaltensweisen am Fels und in der Natur hinzuweisen.


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