StartPersonenFelipe Camargo

Felipe Camargo

Felipe Camargo repeating "Era Vella" (9a) (c) Singing Rock

[VIDEO] Felipe Camargo repeating “Era Vella” (9a)

SINGING ROCK athlete Felipe Camargo repeated "Era Vella" (9a) in Margalef, Spain in 22 June 2015. Felipe is on an almost three-months climbing trip to Europe. His first stop was in Spain.
Preparing to climb "Atalho Do Diablo" in Brazil (c) Red Bull

[VIDEO] Preparing to climb “Atalho Do Diablo” in Brazil (Part 1)

Professional climbers David Lama and Felipe Camargo set out to conquer one of the most difficult and mystical routes in all of Brazil, "Atalho Do Diablo", also known as the Devil's Shortcut.
The Thrill of Brazil Ep. 1

[VIDEO] Beach Bouldering in Brazil with Paul Robinson and Felipe Camargo

The Thrill Of Brazil: After meeting US climber Paul Robinson five years ago during a visit to Colorado, Brazilian local Felipe Camargo has been desperate to show Paul the climbing in his native country. After years of nagging/gentle reminders, Paul is finally in Brazil and straight out of the gate, things are looking good for a successful trip.


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